How to draw flowchart in Vuepress?

In Vuepress we can use flowchart plugin to draw flowcharts. Here are some examples which found in this plugin’s site. @flowstart st=>start: Start e=>end: End st->e @flowend @flowstart st=>start: Start e=>end: End st->e @flowend @flowstart process=>operation: Operation e=>end: End process->e @flowend @flowstart process=>operation: Operation e=>end: End process->e @flowend @flowstart process=>inputoutput: Inputoutput e=>end: End process->e @flowend @flowstart process=>inputoutput: Inputoutput e=>end: End process->e @flowend @flowstart process=>subroutine: Subroutine e=>end: End process->e @flowend @flowstart process=>subroutine: Subroutine e=>end: End...

How to draw in Vuepress?

[[toc]] Thank to the author of Using Chart.js with Vue.js [1]. Create a vue component. Change to directory of your vuepress project. For me: cd /Users/mac/Github/way2ml Install chart.js by using this command. npm install chart.js --save Create a Draw.vue file with following contents in directory doc/.vuepress/components/. <template> <div id="app"> <canvas id="planet-chart"></canvas> </div> </template> <script> import Chart from 'chart.js'; import planetChartData from './js/chart-data.js'; export default{ mounted() { this.createChart('planet-chart', this.planetChartData); }, data() { return { planetChartData: planetChartData, } }, methods:{ createChart(chartId, chartData) { const ctx = document....

How to import to Anki from CSV file?

[[toc]] The year before last, I made a repository called BulkImportToAnki on Github. Until tody, I found there was a issue opened on Dec 22 2018. I’m very sorry for I didn’t notice this, and sorry for I didn’t write any documents about this repository. So this is the reason I write this article. Long long time ago, I got a PDF file, which contains 100 sentences for IELTS from my classmate....

How to use dictionary in Mac?

Download the collins English. In install collins English dictionary file for Mac. Thanks to the author of this blog, and the sharing of Mac云课堂. You can download from the links below. Download1 or Download2 Install the dictionary file. Copy the .dictionary file to the folder Dictionaries. After completing, open Dictionary app preferences, and select the dictionary we just installed. Have fun.

How to use SSR?

First, go to fenghost, and buy speed up services. And at the very bottom of this page, get the SSR client, and check how to use it.


裁剪:1. 新建矩形框住待裁剪部分 2. 选中矩形框和图片 3. Object→Clip→Set 移动: 1. 选中对象 2. 上下左右键 (快速移动按住Shift, 慢速移动按住Alt, 什么都不按默认中速) 对齐: 1. 选中几个待对齐的元素 2. Cmd + Shift + A 对齐 (A代表对齐) 网格: 1. Cmd + Shift + D 打开属性界面 2. 添加 Grid 页面: 1. Cmd + A 选中所有对象 2. Cmd + Shift + R 裁剪页面 缩放: 1. 选中对象 2.按住Ctrl等比例缩放 透明或者模糊: Cmd + Shift + F Youtube thumbnail size 1280x720 Songti SC Heavy 180 这个中文字体好看# Inkscape 裁剪:1. 新建矩形框住待裁剪部分 2....