How to use dictionary in Mac?

Download the collins English. In install collins English dictionary file for Mac. Thanks to the author of this blog, and the sharing of Mac云课堂. You can download from the links below. Download1 or Download2 Install the dictionary file. Copy the .dictionary file to the folder Dictionaries. After completing, open Dictionary app preferences, and select the dictionary we just installed. Have fun.

How to use SSR?

First, go to fenghost, and buy speed up services. And at the very bottom of this page, get the SSR client, and check how to use it.


裁剪:1. 新建矩形框住待裁剪部分 2. 选中矩形框和图片 3. Object→Clip→Set 移动: 1. 选中对象 2. 上下左右键 (快速移动按住Shift, 慢速移动按住Alt, 什么都不按默认中速) 对齐: 1. 选中几个待对齐的元素 2. Cmd + Shift + A 对齐 (A代表对齐) 网格: 1. Cmd + Shift + D 打开属性界面 2. 添加 Grid 页面: 1. Cmd + A 选中所有对象 2. Cmd + Shift + R 裁剪页面 缩放: 1. 选中对象 2.按住Ctrl等比例缩放 透明或者模糊: Cmd + Shift + F Youtube thumbnail size 1280x720 Songti SC Heavy 180 这个中文字体好看# Inkscape 裁剪:1. 新建矩形框住待裁剪部分 2....

Learn Javascript in one hour

This article is the walk through records of the YouTube video. [[toc]] The old days went away. Javascript can be used to develop mobile apps, not just in web browser. Javascript can also be warped by C++, like NODE. Setting up the develop environment. Editor: VScode Node.js Let’s begin Create file called index.html, type ! and the use Tab you will get <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1....

Multivariable functions

$$ f(x, y)=\left[\begin{array}{l}y^{3}-9 y \ x^{3}-9 x\end{array}\right] $$

Vue JS Crash Course

The reason why I learn this course is I want to write a vuepress plugin for a comments system called Livere. Vue JS Crash Course [[toc]] Why use Vue? Much easier Organized well What you should know before learning Vue? JavaScript Fundamental. It may help to learn these first ES6 Module Syntax High order Array Methods - forEach, map, filter Arrow Functions Fetch API & Promises Anatomy of a component ::: tip Output...